mental health
The Tasmanian Men’s Shed Association prioritises the mental health of all its members and their families.
To support our members ongoing mental health and well-being the TMSA has compiled a list of organisations and government agencies to assist in getting the right help when you need it the most.
Alcoholism, alcohol abuse, or problem drinking affects thousands of families in Australia and worldwide. If you are concerned about someone else's drinking, we encourage you to browse their website for information about their programs.
Phone: 6231 5178 or 1300 252 666
Website: www.al-anon.org.au -
Phone: 1800 250 015
Phone: 1300 139 641
Website: www.dhhs.tas.gov.au -
Beyond Blue provide information and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for everyone in Australia.
Phone: 1300 224 636
Website: www.beyondblue.org.au -
Carers Tasmania provides recognition, support and advice to make sure that you get the help that you need to fulfill your role to its best potential.
Phone: 1800 242 636
Website: www.carerstas.org -
Alcohol and other drug support and chat counselling. Confidential, free and available 24/7.
Website: www.counsellingonline.org.au
Conversations Matter is a practical online resource to support safe and effective community discussions about suicide.
Website: www.conversationsmatter.com.au -
Parents Beyond Breakup is a charity that supports parents experiencing trauma related to family breakdown and separation. Separation from their former partner and from their children; a factor closely linked to suicide in Australia.
Phone: 1300 853 437
Website: www.parentsbeyondbreakup.com -
Navigating changes in behaviour related to dementia can be challenging. Dementia Support Australia offer free, evidence-based support nationwide, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 699 799
Website: www.dementia.com.au -
We work with older people, people living with disability or mental health issues, and people who use alcohol or drugs.
Phone: 1800 628 221 -
Phone: 1300 368 321
Website: www.fds.org.au -
Phone: 1800 050 321
Gamblers Help counselling services are available in major regional offices throughout Tasmania. Services are free and confidential and open to anyone concerned about a gambling problem.
Phone: 1800 858 858
Website: www.gamblinghelponline.org.au/services-in-your-state/tasmania -
Healthy Male are a provider of information for men’s health. They facilitate action on men’s health in collaboration with others, advocate for change, empower men and boys to take action on their health, build the capabilities of the health system and workforce, and prioritise their efforts to close the health and wellbeing gaps in specific groups
Phone: 1300 303 878
Website: www.healthymale.org.au -
Lifeline are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Phone: 13 11 14
Website: www.lifeline.org.au -
At Mates4Mates, veterans and their families can find a way forward from service-related injuries. They understand the challenges they face and provide support proven to make a real difference.
Phone: (03) 6242 8940
Website: www.mates4mates.org -
MensLine Australia is a telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.
Phone: 1300 789 978
Website: www.mensline.org.au -
The primary organisation providing systemic advocacy for and with mental health families and friends in Tasmania.
Phone: (03) 6228 7448
Website: www.mhfamiliesfriendstas.org.au -
Phone: 1800 332 388
‘Your say’ advocacy is all about helping you to be heard and understood.
If you are unable to speak for yourself, or find it difficult, an Advocate can help you.
They can provide information about your rights and help you to deal with problems or complaints.
Phone: 1800 005 131
Website: www.advocacytasmania.org.au -
Phone: 1300 794 491
Mission Australia's integrated nationwide services help people find safe and affordable housing, support disadvantaged children and families, empower troubled young people, assist people with mental illness and disability, and much more.
Website: www.missionaustralia.com.au -
Phone: 1800 100 500
Mental health support for Navy, Army and Air Force personnel, veterans & their families.
Website: www.openarms.gov.au
OzHelp Tasmania was established, as a not for profit foundation, in 2007 with the aim of enhancing the resilience of apprentices and workers in the Tasmanian construction and building industry and of strengthening the support roles of industry leaders. In 2020 OzHelp Tasmania merged with and now operates as a program of Lifeline Tasmania. Under Lifeline Tasmania, the OzHelp Tasmania program continues to deliver its services to a wide range of Tasmanian workplaces; maintaining its particular connection to the building and construction industry.
Phone: 1300 694 357
Website: www.ozhelptasmania.org.au -
National counselling service for LGBTI people.
Hours: 3pm - Midnight
Phone: 1800 184 527
Supporting Tasmanians to achieve positive lives and healthy relationships - with each other or themselves.
Phone: 1300 364 277
Website: www.tas.relationships.org.au -
“You've helped me during a time when I didn't know what to do, where to turn to, or how to move forward. Thank you doesn't express it enough” - Rob*, Program Participant
Rural Alive & Well (RAW) is a local charity, building mentally healthy and resilient rural, agricultural and primary industry communities.
RAW’s programs focus on providing face-to-face support to people throughout rural Tasmania, using tools designed to minimise the risk of suicide.
At RAW we do things differently.
We know a barrier to reaching out for support is not feeling like people understand the complexities of the situational stressor experienced. That’s why each of our staff have first-hand experience with the complexities of living and/or working in rural, remote and primary industry sectors.
RAW is ‘non-clinical’, genuine and non-intrusive. Support is confidential with no fees for participants.
Referrals to the program can be made for either yourself or someone you know. We know it’s not always easy to reach out for support, so we try to make it simple. You can either submit a request online, or call us directly.
Phone: 1300RAWTAS (1800 739 827)
Website: www.ruralaliveandwell.com.au/callbackrequest -
Phone: 1800 627 727
Phone: 1800 187 263
Fathers, Dads-to-be, Families & Health Professionals. Receive free text messages, support, info & tips – especially for dads & dads-to-be
Website: www.sms4dads.com -
Survivors and Mates Support Network are Australia’s leading organisation for male survivors of child sexual abuse and their supporters.
Website: www.samsn.org.au -
SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY works to promote positive mental health and prevent suicide by reducing stigma and encouraging people to seek help.
Phone: 1300 364 277
Website: www.staychatty.com.au -
Support for those bereaved by suicide. General enquiries Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Phone: 0400 183 490 & (03) 6282 1519Website: www.lifeline.org.au
Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service providing 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.
Phone: 1300 659 467
Website: www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au -
For over two decades and counting TasPride has provided a voice and close knit community for LGBTQI Tasmanians and their friends.
Website: www.taspride.com -
For victims of violent crime & after hours emergency counselling
Phone: (03) 6233 5002 & 1300 300 238
We offer a wide range of individually tailored services designed to support people with disabilities or experiencing mental health issues, as well as their families, friends and carers.
Monday - Friday 9am - 9pm
Phone: 6333 3111 (Launceston)
Phone: 6419 7010 (Burnie)
Website: www.wellways.org -
Gender and sexuality support and education service.
Working It Out is Tasmania's sexuality, gender and intersex status support and education service. Working It Out provides support and advocacy services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) Tasmanians and education and training programmes to schools, workplaces, government and non-government organisations.Phone: 6231 1200 (South)
Phone: 0438 346 122 (North / North West)
Website: www.workingitout.org.au