health checks
The Tasmanian Men’s Shed Association recognises the value and encourages men’s regular health checks.
Early detection and finding the correct treatment can enhance the lives of many of our members who may have otherwise slipped through the system. To assist our members the TMSA has compiled a list of relevant medical health agencies with information and online booking facilities.
Phone: 6234 0777 (Hobart) & 6332 3800 (Launceston)
Website: www.tcen.com.au/virtualtour/aboriginal-health-service-hobart & www.tcen.com.au/virtualtour/aboriginal-health-service-launceston -
Website: www.ama.com.au/tas
Phone: 1300 656 585
Website: www.cancertas.org.au -
Phone: (03) 6216 4300
Website: www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/cancerscreening -
Website: www.dhhs.tas.gov.au
Phone: 6215 9000 (Hobart), 6333 0233 (Launceston), 6215 9000 (Devonport)
Website: www.diabetestas.org.au -
Free sexual health checks & disability support
Phone: 6273 9117 (Hobart), 6343 4566 (Launceston), 6431 7692 (Burnie)
Website: www.fpt.asn.au -
Website: www.findcancerearlytas.com.au
Phone: 132 432
Website: www.hearing.com.au -
Phone: 1300 362 787
Website: www.heartfoundation.org.au -
Phone: 1300 437 222
Phone: 1800 200 422
Website: www.myagedcare.gov.au -
Phone: 1800 800 110
Phone: 1800 100 500
Phone: 6165 4107
Website: www.health.gov.au -
Phone: (03) 6231 2799
Website: www.palliativecaretas.org.au -
Website: www.pcfa.org.au
Phone: 1800 671 738
Website: www.tasafterhours.com
Help for Tasmanians affected by blood born viruses, sexually transmitted infections and Hepatitis information.
Phone: 1800 437 222
Website: www.readthread.org.au -
Phone: 1800 675 859
Phone: (03) 6214 3285
Website: www.tasmenshealthclinic.com.au